The heads of State and Government of the European Union (EU) and Africa have adopted a five-point action plan aimed at combating irregular immigration and to fight the trafficking of human beings until 2017. Mariano Rajoy, President of the...
The arrival of immigrants through the external borders of the EU grew by 48% in 2013 (in Spanish)
The entrance of irregular migrants in the countries of the European Union (EU) increased by 48% in 2013, according to data presented by the European Control Agency for external borders (Frontex) in the Parliament of Athens.
Police includes means for control of entries across the border (in Spanish)
The national police of Ceuta will incorporate in the next few days several technical elements to control the access of people who every day have access to the city through the border with Morocco. As reported by the national police, in these days...
The Government last project of improvement of the border of Melilla (in Spanish)
The Government is working on the project involving the improvement of the conditions of the border of Melilla with Morocco, allowing to improve the fluidity in traffic, as well as ensure the safety. At a press conference, the Government’s...