Emilio Lamo de Espinosa, President of the Elcano Royal Institute, taught on Wednesday, June 26, at 19.30 hours, at the gilding the Palace of Assembly Hall a conference entitled “old and new world. Europe and emerging powers”, which...
II meeting of cross-border research: analysis of the hispano-marroquies cross-border realities (in Spanish)
For second consecutive year the Centre studies Hispano-Moroccan and the Area of citizen participation, immigration and cooperation for the development of the city of Malaga held the “II workshop on cross-border research: analysis of the...
6as Conference development and security in the Mediterranean external borders of the EU
In 2012, for the first time, the 5th Seminar on Security and Development in the Mediterranean was focussed on EU External Borders. Due to its success, this year we will discussing again about the EU External Borders with scholars from different...
IX plenary of Jurists Moroccan Hispanic Forum: The Mediterranean as a shared legal space (in Spanish)
Arab House organizes, Thursday 6 June in Córdoba, the presentation of the 9th plenary of the Forum Hispano Moroccan jurist: the Mediterranean as shared legal area, which will take place in the city at the end of 2013.
The European Union and the Mediterranean: Euro-Mediterranean relations following the Arab spring (in Spanish)
Summer course of the University of Alicante “Rafael Altamira” which examines the evolution of relations between the European Union and the countries of the southern Mediterranean basin in recent decades through an interdisciplinary...