The Department of social studies of the Colef organized the international seminar: “the status of women in the border regions. Cases of Mexico – United States and Marruecos-espana”, on 8 and 9 may at 10:00 hours in the Aula...
Seminar “entrepreneurship and innovation at the border Hispanic – Lusa” (in Spanish)
The objective of the seminar is to establish a forum for debate and exchange of experiences among cross-border operators with proven experience in University-enterprise cooperation, on entrepreneurial and innovative initiatives at the Portuguese...
Lopez Bueno considers Melilla a reference of the external borders of the EU (in Spanish)
At a ceremony held in room 10 of the UNED of Melilla Foundation for Moroccan socio-economic development (FHIMADES) presented yesterday its new website, as well as the “Journal of the 1st Conference of the EU external borders”, latest...
Journal of the 1st Seminar on EU External Borders
Melilla, along with Ceuta, are the only two borders of the European Union on the African continent. This feature clearly conditions much of daily life and relationships that occur along them. Borders, while separate countries and entities, are...
Premier séminaire international sur la médiation en Méditerranée (en espagnol)
Seminar organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and cooperation and the Toledo International Centre for peace (CITPax), with the collaboration of Mediterranean House and Casa Árabe, and which will be held in Madrid on 11 and 12 February to...