Organized by:
Fhimades and Spanish Institute of strategic studies
The Straits of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea concentrated much of traffic sources of energy that goes to the EU....
Organized by:
Fhimades and Spanish Institute of strategic studies
The Straits of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea concentrated much of traffic sources of energy that goes to the EU....
After the fall of the wall in 1989 and the subsequent strategic reconfiguration, the Mediterranean has become the stage where materialize various collaborative tools security added to political and economic initiatives such as the Barcelona...
The President of the Foundation for economic and social development Hispano-Moroccan (FHIMADES), Jose Maria Lopez Bueno, participated in July 2010 in the III summer course organised by the Robert Schuman Institute of European studies and the...
The President of the Foundation for economic development and Social Hispano-Moroccan (Fhimades), Jose Maria Lopez Bueno, participated in the seminar on investment and financing for companies in Malaga and North of Morocco, held in the capital of...
They may 6, 2010, the Foundation for the Moroccan socio-economic development (Fhimades) and the Royal Elcano Institute presented the report ‘ the internationalisation of Spanish Enterprise: Morocco ‘, which has been developed by the...