The Portuguese border is the oldest and most extensive of the European Union. There are our own cultural identity signs, mint condition from the transfer and assimilation of civilizations imported by both countries. It is obvious that tourism is...
Spain-Morocco-border research meetings (in Spanish)
The present publication includes articles about research that have developed, or are developing, in the bosom of different departments of the universities of Granada, Málaga, Valladolid, Cadiz, Sevilla, Huelva, Córdoba, Jaén and Madrid...
Union between the European Morocco: A privileged neighbourhood? (in Spanish)
Published by the European Academy of Sciences and arts in Spain – institution focused on the analysis of the problems that the new European construction creates – this work is an excellent work, solid and broad spectrum on the...
Le modèle de l’Eurorégion comme une figure du développement (in Spanish)
Since the 1950s, and more intensely in the early 1990s, have emerged in Europe initiatives or other cooperation agreements between residents of local or regional authorities, which share a border of different States. With a common legal framework...
Journal of the 1st Seminar on EU External Borders
Melilla, along with Ceuta, are the only two borders of the European Union on the African continent. This feature clearly conditions much of daily life and relationships that occur along them. Borders, while separate countries and entities, are...
Immigration, security and borders (in Spanish)
The Area of the Strait of Gibraltar is undoubtedly a place interesting for analysts and academics internationalists, here a multitude of topics related to this particular border area, and that they derive from their status as maritime strategic...