An international system understood State-centrally characteristic of much of the 20th century is replaced by an international stage full of nuances. The latter is the result of the interactions of new actors such as multinational companies,...
The immigration policy in the European Union. From three keys (in Spanish)
The immigration policy of the European Union, concerning the control and management of migration flows, can be approached from multiple perspectives. Of these three seem to me particularly interesting. Firstly, the economic dimension, which sits...
A common language for a policy on immigration and asylum in the European Union (in Spanish)
Progress towards a European immigration policy needs the development of a common, objective language of the draft glossary and thesaurus of the European migration network. This document shows the need for the construction of a common language in...
The Spanish borders in Europe: European territorial cooperation INTERREG (in Spanish)
The INTERREG Community initiative was designed with the objective that national borders were not an obstacle neither to the balanced development and the integration of the European territory. Also, pursuing an integrated action in the face of...
Ceuta, Melilla, Chafarinas, Vélez and Alhucemas: taking the initiative (in Spanish)
The status of cities, Islands and rocks of Spain in Africa is problematic, particularly with regard to the Islands and rocks. In general, the position of Spain on Moroccan territorial claims has been reactive, so it has ceded the initiative...
Border studies: changing perspectives and theoretical approaches
The author considers the stages of development and the progress in theory of border studies from the early twentieth century to the present. He characterises the content of each stage, new ideas, the main achievements and practical applications....