The unexpected and overwhelming wave against authoritarianism began in 2011 likely will continue touring the Maghreb and the Middle East for years, and is not to be expected that this trend will be reversed. This new stage represents a great...
A Power Audit of EU – North Africa relations
The report highlights that it is currently emerging a new context in North Africa after the beginning of the wave of democratization. While the current financial situation is difficult, Europe can and must promote a bolder vision of its relations...
Commitment to the Mediterranean. A challenge for the 21st century (in Spanish)
The main objective of this work is to provide a survey of the origins and development of the relations between the European Union and the neighbouring countries of North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. The Maghreb and the Mashreq and,...
Inter-university cooperation at the external borders of the European Union and the contribution to the European neighbourhood policy
The European continent, under the impulse of the events generated by the process of European construction that has led to an extension of the external borders of the European Union towards the East, goes through a process of alteration. No matter...
The border as an attraction: a brief look at relationships Galicia-Região Norte (in Spanish)
The entry of Spain and Portugal into the EEC in 1986 marked a relaunch of bilateral relations. He also promoted contact between local authorities on both sides of a border, the Spanish-Portuguese, which had functioned as a real barrier in recent...
How to manage migratory flows to boost legal immigration? A legal analysis from Spain (in Spanish)
Despite the fact that the fight against the so-called clandestine immigration is one of the priority principles of the European policy on immigration, the unauthorized migration flows have continued to increase in recent years in countries like...