Emilio Lamo de Espinosa, President of the Elcano Royal Institute, taught on Wednesday, June 26, at 19.30 hours, at the gilding the Palace of Assembly Hall a conference entitled “old and new world. Europe and emerging powers”, which has organized the Foundation for the Hispano-Moroccan socio-economic development (FHIMADES).
The speaker presides over since March of last year the Elcano Royal Institute, institution of which he was founder and first director between 2001 and 2005. He holds a PhD in law from the University Compluten is and doctor in Sociolo gia by the University of California girl-Santa Barbara (1979), where extended studies from 1972 to 1975.
He was director general of universities in 1982 and subsequently first Secretary general of the Council of universities, taking responsibility for the elaboration of the law on University reform (1983).
In 1992, and in the framework of the EXPO, he began research on the image of Spain abroad under the heading “The gaze of the other”, task that has continued since then in many countries (Italy, Germany, France, England, USA, Japan and others).
Lamo de Espinosa was the director of the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset (1992-2001), President of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (2007-2009), which is currently Honorary Member, and member of the Research Committee of the University Institute European River sita (Univer University Flo European reference).
He is currently the academic of number of the Royal Academy of moral and political sciences (44 medal), Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vice President of the Foundation Council Spain-United States, and employer or advisor of numerous foundations (Foundation Ortega-maranon, Fundación Real Instituto Elcano, Botín Foundation, Foundation Prince of Girona, Spanish transition Foundation, Barcenillas Foundation, and Foundation Fernando Pombo).
He has published twenty-two books, more than one hundred scientific monographs, and nearly 400 articles of press or disclosure. He won the Jovellanos International Essay Prize in 1996 for his book culture societies and societies of Science (Ediciones Nobel, 1996), and is the most widely used in Spanish (Alianza Editorial, Madrid) dictionary of Sociology editor (together with S. Giner and C. Torres). His latest book, as Coordinator, is Europe after Europe (Madrid, 2010).
It has recognized six six researchers. He has directed 14 PhD theses and four of them received the PhD extraordinary award. I lamo de Espinosa was appointed as the year passed, also doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Salamanca.
The Elcano Royal Institute is one of the best 40 think tanks security and international relations of the world and the only Spanish institution in this category, according to the Global Go To Think Tank Rankings 2012.