In the mid-20th century, appeared a new phenomenon in Western Europe and Scandinavia together with the construction of a United Europe: the establishment of cross-border regions and its institutionalization through the cooperation among them....
Schengen, the gateway to freedom of movement in Europe (in Spanish)
The abolition of controls at internal borders has repercussions in other areas, such as the fight against cross-border crime or cross-border movements, cross-border trade and cross-border justice. In this sense, the rules of the Schengen area do...
EU and UfM reinforce their partnership to foster regional cooperation in the Mediterranean (in Spanish)
With the aim of further strengthening their partnership, the European Commission and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean organized a work seminar of two days with the presence of the heads of the delegation of EU cooperation in the...
Cross-border cooperation project to draw the new tourist map of Kaliningrad and neighbouring regions of Russia
Border areas of Russia, Lithuania and Poland will join forces with a new cross-border cooperation of the two-year project.
EU-Maghreb cooperation, fundamental to the Mediterranean after the Arab spring (in Spanish)
The British diplomat Nick Witney has stated that the EU should relaunch cooperation with North Africa after the so-called Arab spring, paying special attention to Algeria and Morocco.