Se controlará la entrada o salida de todos los viajeros, incluidos los ciudadanos europeos, modificando el código de fronteras Schengen. IR A LA NOTICIA
EU Borders and Their Controls: Preventing unwanted movement of people in Europe?
This publication, after the tragic event in the first week of October 2013, when a boat sank on the Italian island of Lampedusa, proposes to examine the question of EU border controls from the perspectives of the new and old technologies, based...
ABC System, automated border control (in Spanish)
Since last May the Prat and Barajas airports are serving scenario for the development of the new system for automatic of the citizens on their way through the border control and verification. Dubbed as ‘ABC System’, the Ministry of...
New challenges for FRONTEX: towards a European Corps of border? (in Spanish)
When we want to find solutions to global problems, we can not use local actions. There are only global solutions for global problems. And the management of borders is no exception. The external borders of the European Union cannot be managed...
The European border Control Agency confirms that it has tripled the migratory pressure in Ceuta and Melilla (in Spanish)
The number of irregular immigrants detected in Ceuta and Melilla borders during the first four months of this year amounted to 2,250, representing an increase of 208% over the same period of the previous year, according to the data released by...