When we want to find solutions to global problems, we can not use local actions. There are only global solutions for global problems. And the management of borders is no exception. The external borders of the European Union cannot be managed...
Frontex and the outer sea of the EU surveillance
In recent years, the Member States of the EU have faced a growing number of irregular migrants traveling in boats, overloaded and unfit to sail through the Mediterranean Sea. To limit the growing number of fatalities, with hundreds of lives that...
Frontex: Screening at European level of the vision of Spain on border control? (in Spanish)
In 2004 the EU approved the creation of its 19 th independent agency: FRONTEX. Since its commissioning has focused especially, at the request of Spain, in the deployment of operations of border controls aimed at the reduction of migratory flows...
Frontex wants to extend surveillance of the Mediterranean Sea
The borders of the European Union Frontex Agency has emphasized that it wants to extend surveillance of the Mediterranean Sea, noting that it remains largely outside of the control of the Member States. “We don’t know what is...
FRONTEX will allocate 30 million euros to joint operations in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic (in Spanish)
Gil Arias has pointed out that this agency will coordinate various joint operations in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean whose budget is estimated at approximately EUR 30 million in 2013.