The present work aims to analyze – a historical perspective – European migration policy, taking into account primarily the economic and social changes and its impact on legal rules and strategies adopted. In this context, intra-EU...
The immigration policy in the European Union. From three keys (in Spanish)
The immigration policy of the European Union, concerning the control and management of migration flows, can be approached from multiple perspectives. Of these three seem to me particularly interesting. Firstly, the economic dimension, which sits...
A common language for a policy on immigration and asylum in the European Union (in Spanish)
Progress towards a European immigration policy needs the development of a common, objective language of the draft glossary and thesaurus of the European migration network. This document shows the need for the construction of a common language in...
Control of immigration in southern Europe (part 1): “siege” strategies
This article critically review policies adopted by different countries of southern Europe (Italy, Spain and Greece) to manage irregular migration, in order to demonstrate that, to reduce this type of immigration, it will need more than just...
Immigration at the borders of Espana-africa control
This article addresses the dynamics of migration control along the Spanish-African borders and the associated problem of migrant deaths. The past decade and a half has seen rising numbers of migration attempts, large investments in control...