Since the 1950s, and more intensely in the early 1990s, have emerged in Europe initiatives or other cooperation agreements between residents of local or regional authorities, which share a border of different States. With a common legal framework...
The Mediterranean and the European neighbourhood policy of the Union (in Spanish)
The Wider Europe initiative is conceived as the results of the European borders of the EU, and has a clear of institutionalist approach. It is intended power instruments and the institutional dimension, whereas the strategies that are being...
Towards a new Europe. Some reflections on the consequences of enlargement to the East (in Spanish)
The article identifies the strategic challenges of Europe and, in particular, European integration will have to face in the coming years. Challenges resulting from enlargement to the East of the European Union (EU) and their participation in an...
A common language for a policy on immigration and asylum in the European Union (in Spanish)
Progress towards a European immigration policy needs the development of a common, objective language of the draft glossary and thesaurus of the European migration network. This document shows the need for the construction of a common language in...
Tomorrow Tuesday inaugurated the 4th Conference on the Strait and the energy in the EU”, within the cycle”development and security in the 21st century (in Spanish)
Among other topics will be dealt with the supply of gas to Europe and the network of existing pipelines, as well as the implications on the energy supply of the Arab spring