The perception of the Strait of Gibraltar as a problematic border between Spain and Morocco, as a space conditioned by its very nature a continuing source of conflict, has presided for a long time the vision and analysis of the relations between the two countries. The truth is that in objective data, such a border is the most unequal of the European Union (prepared by the United Nations human development index gives Spain 21th, compared the 124 which corresponds to Morocco), inequality that establishes a complicated dynamic, both social and political.
University of Cádiz. University of the narrow classroom
Publication Year:
Alejandro del Valle Gálvez, María José Rodríguez Mesa, Manuel José Terol Becerra, Vicente Llorent Bedmar y Verónica Cobano-Delgado Palma, Abderrahman El Fathi, Karima Hajjaj, Mustapha Adila.
Relaciones España – Marruecos, nuevas perspectivas y enfoques
“Spain-Morocco”: old and new paradigms of a relationship in a changing world”, “immigration Marruecos-espana. Legal instruments for the management and control of migratory flows”,” European Union and southern Mediterranean: reflections on its possible enlargement “,”An approach to the culture of peace in Islam and Catholicism from the perspective of the teacher of Religion of Seville and Tanger”,”the presence of the language Spanish in Morocco”,”Spanish intellectuals in the framework of hispano-marroquies relations”, “For a better understanding between Morocco and Spain”.